K Logistics
11218 Dormer way , Orlando FL 32837
Ph:     407-455-8083
Email : info@shiloho.org

Shiloho Foundation 



Beauvil family 

My husband and I were born in Haiti, respectively in Port-au-Prince and Jamel. We were born from into poor families and both became both orphans in our teenagers age period, before we both reached 17 years old. We did not know each other and we never knew that our parents died similarly the same year until we got married while we were sharing more of personal stories. This is a way to tell you that we both knew what they call hardship in life. When you have no parents in a poor country that can watch over you and take care of you, the chance to of building a great future is slim. We knew had some very difficult moments in life such as , some days without food and and no need to say about not having enough school supplies, clothes and other things that a child may need. Since we were both fighters, each of us in our side, Read more 
Ph: 407-455-8083
Email : info@shiloho.org


Many seem left behind and , abandoned, either in jail, or hospitals, in a nursing home or at home with no one to take care of them.Many can’t go to school or can’t afford to buy clothes to go to Church, just because they simply can’t. If we have to wait until we get enough money to help someone else, that day will never happen. Our money will never be enough for us to share. There will be always something bigger to put our money in. There will be always projects or something that we will take our money away anyway. We have seen and read that the average world income is $5000 and anyone who is making more than that earns much more than the world average of this world. When we read and saw people who are working for $7 a day, my husband and I have realized that we are far away richer than many in this world, since we are making much more than that . Our money may not be enough for our dream desire life style, but it is far away too much definitely enough to live on, since many are living with less.
We have realized that many more people could have been reached if only we had more people willing to help. But wWe can make it happen greater and better at a larger scale if we come together to do it. We can could defeinetely definitely go further and realize much more things if only you and uswe join our efforts to become a good samaritainSamaritan for someone who is deeply in need Read more 

The generous will themselves be blessed for they share their food with the poor ~ Proverbs 22: 9


If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” 
The power of human empathy, leading to collective action, saves lives, and frees prisoners. Ordinary people, whose personal well-being and security are assured, join together in huge numbers to save people they do not know, and will never meet… Unlike any other creature on this planet, humans can learn and understand, without having experienced. They can think themselves into other people’s places… We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” – 
What a great satisfaction to have it is when you help someone to achieve something, , when you can save someone’s life, when you can put money on someone’s else table, when you send someone to school, when you take care and visit someone who has no one without even spending 1/10 a month of our monthly income. We feel so good and blessed from doing this that our blessings come from every source starting from an income increase, better job, health, kids obedient kids, and a deeper relationship with God.

Two ways that you can help:”
  • You can contact the person or the organization to obtain all the details you can and send your help personallydirectly, gets every and any details, send your help directly.. By doing so, Wwe only suggest you to let us know if you do, so we can remove that person or organization from our needed list to open the door to someone else to be blessed.
  • 2) You can contact us and tell us what you plan to do; ask us who may be in deeper need, or let’s go together in one of our mission trips
  • 3) In one way or another your donation, your help, or your advice are is always welcome. Your donation does not have to be always necessary be money, but can’t be other materials such as clothes, toys, and anything else other thing that someone from a third world country may be in need of.



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