As a Christian family, we feel is one it part of our duty to contribute to the process of improving the life of at least one person in life. We cannot often rely on others, especially the Government or even God to take simple and single actions that can make a difference in someone else life. And with our little means, tools, and knowledge, we are still able to touch more than 1 person; we believe that we should have started a long time ago and that we should touch as many lives as we can. Alone, we can surely touch many lives, but with you, we can surely reach a bigger crowd. We are focused on what we call POWS-PCM prisoners, orphans, windows, the sicks, poor, Christian, and more. Our mission is to join our effort together, to sensitize gather as many people as we can, to open the heart of as many as we can so they can join with us to help as many as we can. We want to be a free, non-judgment organization that sees people as human. An organization with an Haitian leadership who cares for the future of their country. An organization that cares more about people than we care about driving expensive cars, being l. Located in expensive building, having high salary or not being able to computerize their donation, unable to provide proof of what we do compared to what we have received. We just want to do it differently. We want to do it as God is watching us. We want to do it as we are paid already by heaven. We want to do it with heart. We want as many people as we can to join this cause, no matter what others may say or think. We do not expect the entire worlds financial support, but we can surely do a lot with whatever we received. We also rely on your payers, your time, your advice, and whatever you may possibly do to help advance this cause.
We definitely want to have an impact on a changing life lives mission in Haiti
• We want to support youth and families in their efforts to generate income.
• We want to employ as many as we can to help rebuild infrastructure and keep our country clean.
• We want to train as many as we can to empower them in business and life skills, and supported them with start-up grants.
• We want to train teachers in schools on education the best educational practices, including how best to teach young children to read.
• We want to build or rebuild latrines, showers and safe water points.
• We want to administer vaccinations and doses of Vitamin A to children
• We want to educated people on how to prevent cholera and other diseases.
To reach all of these above, we need expert , people who, help in each area. We need all types of help, knowledge, ideas and support. It will not be about money alone. It will be about much more than money.